
How to Make It As a Fashion Blogger via StyleCaster

If you’ve ever considered starting your own fashion blog, you’ve probably considered the following question: How can I make blogging my full-time job, and make money in the process? It’s one thing to have a personal style blog—pretty much everybody and their mom (sometimes literally!) has one, since most platforms are free to start and easy to use—but it’s quite another to take that platform and make it something that nets you actual income.

“Honestly, it’s not easy to make money,” said Natalie Decleve ofNatty Style. ”And it’s not easy to maintain. If you want to make blogging your full-time job, you [really] have to make it your full-time job.”

That may sound a bit redundant, but what Decleve means is less straightforward than it sounds: In order to make your main source of income your fashion blog, you have to invest not just your passion and dedication, but also (most importantly) your time. It’s a cliché, but it’s true: success doesn’t happen overnight....

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