
Most Powerful Day for Manifesting is This SUNDAY! 11:11

Most Powerful Day for Manifesting is This SUNDAY! 11:11

This Sunday is an extra special day for any fellow numerology nerds out there. 11:11:11 (2+0+1+8=11) may be one of the most powerful days for manifesting in a while. From fragrance oils to tarot cards and crystals, these are my favorite ways to get in the game.

Moonbeams & Magic Creams: How To Harness the Harvest Moon

Moonbeams & Magic Creams: How To Harness the Harvest Moon

In honor of the upcoming harvest moon on October 5th I got soulful moon-goddess and beauty founder, Beth Shuman, to spill her secrets for harvesting the magic of a full moon. AND find out what makes her 8 Faces boundless oil so powerful, plus an exclusive discount code!

6 Lessons from 4 Weeks on the Road

6 Lessons from 4 Weeks on the Road

After a 4 week cross country road trip from New York through the southwest and finally to California, I return laden with various souvenirs, a new hobby, and a new appreciation for Americana. Lots more coverage to come, but for now I’ll share some of my favorite helpful, occasionally poignant and often laughable, lessons I picked up along the way.