How & Where To Do A Mental Spring Cleanse


Thanks to RESCUE® for sponsoring this post and keeping me calm!

Been binge watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix series? Bringing half your wardrobe to consignment stores and scrubbing the corners of your bathroom? Same. But around this time of year, I also find myself ready for a mental reset. Like seriously, anyone else feeling extra antsy? A little foggy? Like a butterfly ready to break out of that tightly wound chrysalis, I imagine shaking off the shrouds of winter and clearing the mental cobwebs that kept me cozy in the colder months. Maybe it’s the fact that the weather doesn’t really start to change until after March in New York City, but this time of year has the feeling of a “holding period” where we are “so over” winter, and anticipating spring, but still wearing coats and boots.

Whenever I feel like I’m chasing my own tail, full of potential but stuck in a rut–I have a few helpers to get me “unstuck” and ready to seize the momentum of the changing seasons.



Ideally this would be to somewhere warmer than where you are, but even a road trip to somewhere nearby can help shake things up. I find that getting out of town creates a more tangible starting point for the season when you return, and makes the weeks in between seasons feel less tedious. If not somewhere warm, I also love a spring ski trip to really squeeze out the last of winter’s magic before it’s gone for another year.


If you’re like me (a Vata, a Gemini, a New Yorker…) you might be prone to nervous energy during times of transition. I feel this big-time during full moons, and this change of season is especially amplified. I always attend a Kundalini or other type of meditation class on the equinox, and have recently joined a women’s group that meets to share our experiences. My favorite zen spots in NYC and LA are below:


Modern Ritual - An extremely intimate environment offering gong baths and kundalini breathwork with the incredible, Valerie Oula.

Womb Center - Designed to create an immersive “womb” experience, meditations and gong baths here are surrounded by 3D light and sound systems that are sure to transport you out of your mind and body.

MNDFL - Instagram worthy, modern spaces in various NYC locations that take the crunchy granola reputation out of meditation.


The Den - The kind of place you would want to go and hang out, even if you weren’t there for a class. The Den’s two bohemian chic locations offer everything from kundalini to past life regression courses, plus extras like free fancy teas and cozy communal spaces. If you see the now defunct Golden Bridge’s founder, Tej on the schedule, sign up asap!

Wanderlust Hollywood - As photogenic as it is healing, Wanderlust is a multilevel yoga studio with open air rooms and a roof deck with views of Hollywood, plus a cafe worth staying for after you’ve breathed and sweat through your demons.

Unplug - A place where, as the name suggests, you can fully unplug with a kundalini and gong bath but also pick up a new sage bundle or book on crystal healing. Very similar in vibe to my east coast favorite, MNDFL.


Whenever I’m feeling a little anxious, I have a few helpers in my back pocket.

  1. RESCUE® PEARLS - These little flower powerhouses pack essences like Rock Rose, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem to calm frayed nerves without making you tired. I love that they don’t require water to swallow, and instead just pop on your tongue so they’re easy to take anywhere.

  2. RESCUE PLUS™ Lozenge - These lozenges combine the calming effects of the RESCUE natural flower essence blend with energizing vitamins B5 and B12 to power you through even the busiest days with focus and clarity. If you’re the type to bite your nails when you are nervous, replacing your hangnails with a calming fix is a healthy way to satiate an oral fixation.