
French Bread: The Difference with Gluten in Europe vs US

French Bread: The Difference with Gluten in Europe vs US

Written for Public Goods

Have you ever traveled to Europe and discovered that your food sensitivities evaporate? Turns out, even beyond gluten, there’s more to French bread than meets the eye and it may explain a whole lot about our own issues on American soil…

How & Where To Do A Mental Spring Cleanse

How & Where To Do A Mental Spring Cleanse

Anyone else feel a little antsy or anxious this time of year? Like a butterfly ready to break out of that tightly wound chrysalis, but unsure how to harness this energy in a positive way? Here are a few of my favorite helpers to get me “unstuck” and springing into action.

Global Inspiration for A Life Well Lived

Global Inspiration for A Life Well Lived

If you've been following Natty Style for a while, you know how much this girl loves to travel. As I continue my quest for a life well lived through mindful practices and conscious consumption - expect to see more of my global (and local!) inspiration through video.  

To Cook or Not to Cook? Which Veggies Are Best Left Raw & Which Need the Heat

To Cook or Not to Cook? Which Veggies Are Best Left Raw & Which Need the Heat

raw doesn’t always mean healthier and in fact, many veggies are better digested and their nutrients better absorbed when cooked. 

Check out the cheat sheet below for the Do’s and Don’ts of which veggies to cook, which not to cook, and why.

Groundhog Day: Revisiting Some of the Best of Natty Style!

Groundhog Day: Revisiting Some of the Best of Natty Style!

6 more weeks of winter?!  May as well be prepared with some good eats and good reading.  To get you started, I rounded up 10 of my favorite posts from the past year...

Pumpkin for Breakfast: 3 Morning Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin for Breakfast: 3 Morning Pumpkin Recipes

Now back to when, where and how to eat pumpkin.  Sure it’s easy to find ways to bake pumpkin into desserts, or serve it up at suppertime – but what about first thing in the morning?  Click below for three tasty ways to give your breakfast a boost with this seasonal favorite.

Spring Clean Your Diet with HU KITCHEN's 3 Essential Tips & 5 Pantry Swaps!

Spring Clean Your Diet with HU KITCHEN's 3 Essential Tips & 5 Pantry Swaps!

You’d need just 5 minutes with Jessica Karp, founder of Hu Kitchen (the Manhattan restaurant and café who’s tagline is “get back to human”) to know that she’s on to something.  That’s because although she’s an entrepreneur/business owner, and hands-on mother to a 5 year old girl and 6 month old boy; Jessica lacks the typical signs of someone with little time to eat lunch, let alone hit a spa.  Instead, her skin is glowing, her hair is shiny and her body is fit: she looks…healthy!